Waihopai Health Services New Enrolments – Are Currently on Hold.
Please be advised Waihopai Health Services enrolments are currently on hold, we will advise as soon as we are enrolling again.
If you wish to enrol with us please contact us on 03 211 0999 to discuss whether you meet our enrolment criteria.
You will be asked to fill in and sign an enrolment form.
Ministry of Health Requires a copy of Birth Certificate and photo ID, or a Copy of Passport is supplied with all new Enrolments to the practice.
All patients over the age of 16 years are required to fill in a separate enrolment form. This collects essential information about you. You will be asked if you wish your previous doctor be contacted for information that will help ensure the continuity of your care. You will also be asked to sign that you or your guardian will be responsible for all accounts accrued and costs in relation to the collection of all outstanding amounts owed to the Waihopai Health Services.
Enrolment means that in the future all Ministry of Health funding to which you are entitled is directed to the practice for your care.
First Appointment
All newly enrolled patients over 45 years are required to see one of our nurses for assessment once their previous notes have been received. Other patients may be required to see one of our nurses for assessment once their previous notes have been assessed by our nurse. The cost of this assessment will depend on the complexity of your past history.
Your Contact Details
Please let reception know of any changes to your contact details including address, phone numbers – local and mobile and email address. We would also appreciate details of an emergency contact person to be kept on record. This number should be for someone who lives in a location other than the one you reside.
Patient Enrolment Form